3 min readSep 9, 2020


Renewable Energy for a Sustainable Future.

If society is serious about creating a future that will favor upcoming generations, there is the need for corporate actions that will ensure that current resources are utilized in the most efficient way. Among others, we need renewable sources of energy that are environmentally friendly. Emmanuel Asaam is one of many entrepreneurs working to make renewable energy use the norm, instead of an alternative.

Emmanuel holds a BSc. in Business Administration from Ashesi University and has experience in project and supply chain management, having worked with companies such as Vivo Energy (Shell) Ghana Limited, Scangroup Ghana and PayInc Group. He began researching energy, poverty, and sustainability in 2015, and ultimately, his passion for positive social change coupled with a concern for environmental sustainability, and an entrepreneurial drive, moved him to start Gamma Energie in 2017.

Gamma Energie is a for-profit social enterprise that provides clean, affordable energy from renewable sources to homes and businesses across Ghana and other communities. The company recycles agro-forestry waste into eco-friendly bio-fuels that may be used for cooking and other activities involving the use of heat, thus supporting the fight against climate change.

Speaking on his work, Emmanuel said, “We are in a time of climate change and energy poverty. The work we do has a lot of social, economic, and environmental impact. Our current project addresses at least 10 of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and for our world to move forward, we all have to play a role in supporting the SDGs.

Gamma Energie is among the first batch of businesses recruited to operate under the guidance of the Ashesi Venture Incubator (AVI). The AVI was set up by the New Entrepreneurs Xchange for Transformation: Idea to Impact project (NEXTi2i), which is a collaboration between Ashesi University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s D-Lab. Over the course of one year, fellows are given the opportunity to invest in their businesses and redefine their business models through the incubator’s provision of business coaching from local and global business leaders, business development sessions, support services and financial stipends.

With the support of the AVI, Gamma Energie have implemented various solutions in a number of different projects, all geared towards achieving a number of the United Nations’ (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including, but not limited to SDG 7; ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. Speaking on the benefits of working with the AVI, Emmanuel said:
“Engaging with business leaders has exposed me to new ideas which will be implemented soon. I’ve also grown my network through the interactions. As people know, Ashesi’s mission is to educate ethical and entrepreneurial leaders and I’ve taken the path of entrepreneurship. Seeing the opportunity created by Ashesi to support entrepreneurship post-graduation, I thought it a good idea to join the AVI to receive support to take my project to the next level. I guess it’s a win-win in terms of helping to achieve Ashesi’s mission and also getting the critical support to advance my personal project.”

Since its incorporation in 2017, Gamma Energie has been able to collect and recycle over 1,709 metric-tons of biomass waste, saved 5,400 metric-tons of trees (approximately 1,392 trees) from being cut down, and prevented a total of 29.22-tons of CO2 emissions. Gamma Energie is currently testing its Minimum Viable product and working towards mass production.
To learn more about Emmanuel’s work with Gamma Energie, click

Tags: Ashesi, Ashesi alumni, AVI fellows, entrepreneurs, Incubator, shaping the economy





The Ashesi Venture Incubator (AVI) is program of NEXTi2i: a one year incubation experience for recent graduates and alumni of Ashesi University.

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